Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ebay Banned Digital Goods From Auction

Are you one of those who would go to Ebay to purchase an e-book at a lower price or just to find the lowest price on an E-book that you wanted but did not want to pay the market price for? Well you better stop looking on Ebay for it. Here is the new Policy on Ebay and it is not sitting well with marketers of Digital Goods.

Or Go Here To See The Actual Site.

I knew that this was going to happen one day and figured I would take advantage of the situation. I have had this site for a year now and the reason I built it was because I had issues with Ebay. The Digital Bookshelf has been open for business for about a year now and I have sold many digital products. I have claimed that it is the first Digital Dollar Store on the internet.

Selling digital goods on the internet is easy but you have to be careful of the limitations and restrictions that the creator puts on the license. When I buy a digital product I am looking for a specific product to put in my store for sale.

When you buy from me, you are buying only top quality at the best price and that price is $1.00. You can’t beat that. Forget Ebay, Forget auctions for lower prices. I have bypassed all that and give you the best for only a fraction of the cost.

Go there and check it out for yourself and see what I have to offer for only One Dollar. Ebay is best suited for looking for that old lamp that would look great on your end table. Or that hand crafted pocketbook made out of a cigar box.

I am adding new digital goods everyday and will be adding for a long time. Come and visit and see for yourself what I have listed at The Digital Bookshelf. Brand new items are coming soon.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

If You Are Listed Below, You Have Been Tagged

Now that I have been tagged by a new friend, I must admit she has been a breath of fresh air and also my morning wake up call. Earthlingorgeous, I don’t normally do things like this but I am making an exception in your case as I think everyone who reads my blog should go visit you and find out how a witty young lady such as yourself can brighten up the day of everyone who you touch with your words.

How This Tag Works:

  1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
  2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
  3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
  4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven Shared Facts About Myself:

1. I am afraid to sleep as I am afraid I will miss out on an important part of my life.

2. I have a phobia, I can’t even look at a leach.

3. I don’t like beets

4. Spring is my favorite season.

5. I don’t drive. I lost my license over something stupid 15 years ago and refuse to pay money to the dmv for a restitution of $300.00 from 1976. It’s a long story.

6. I am addicted to fresh water fishing.

7. I have never managed to live my dream and am realizing it is probably to late.

Seven People That I Am Tagging:

1. Brandi

2. Susan

3. Tarawat

4. Earthlingorgeous

5. Meryine

6. Hye

7. Lily

Anyway these are my tags. I don’t know what will happen from here but here goes.

Until next time!

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